Dispensary Glass Repair

Dispensaries now face a new risk as a result of cannabis legalization. Most dispensaries are compelled to run on a cash basis because few financial institutions have so far been willing to do business with the sector. Unfortunately, dispensaries are easy targets for criminals since they can access cash and sell a product that is still illegal in many jurisdictions. Consequently, dispensary safety has emerged as a pressing new issue throughout the security profession, from straightforward “smash and grabs” to cunning armed robberies.

As a business owner, you need to safeguard your dispensary to get your arms around this issue. 

What thoughts come to mind when you consider safeguarding your dispensary? Given the numerous threats, you must have the plan to secure your dispensary and business. Three key ideas come to mind when considering a company’s security:

  • Controlling the points of entry to your business
  • Keeping track of what happens 
  • Ensuring that all transactions are carried out securely and safely.

Our focus is on controlling your business access points. 

When considering entry to your business, the door(s) to your business usually spring to mind first. Next, you might want the ability to control who enters and exits your dispensary, depending on the neighborhood in which your store is located and the demographics of local crime. Your business’s door is vital, but so are the windows and other possible entry points.

Since windows are often made of glass, they are vulnerable. It is a convenient entry point for robbers but also a security problem if you are afraid of firearm incidents or damage. You can also consider installing bars or security screens at night. Still, if you require protection during the day, it’s advisable to consider a more expensive security dispensary glass. Many businesses, including banks and convenience stores, use forced entry or bullet-resistant glass.  These are reasonable solutions for increased protection. Additionally, you can put safety glass within your business, especially in strategic locations like the check-out counter.

Call us today to find out more about our products and to discuss the specific needs of your dispensary.